Study Programs
The INVEST European University Alliance brings together Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra Slovakia, University of Agribusiness and Rural Development (UARD) in Plovdiv Bulgaria, University of Thessaly (UTH) in Volos Greece, Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Karelia) in Joensuu, Finland and Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences (VHL) in Leeuwarden and Velp Netherlands in a shared extensive experience and a common profile as internationalized institutions for the implementation of European Commission initiative for the formation and evaluation of European Universities.
Developing viable communities
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia, organizes Developing Viable Communities – studies in international cooperation. These international studies' themes focus on Viable Communities in rural areas and their sustainable development. Studies are aimed at 3rd and 4th-year B.Sc. students and international exchange students.
More DetailsEuropean Sustainable Leadership in Regional Development
University of agribusiness and rural development (UARD), Plovdiv, Bulgaria organizes European Sustainable Leadership in Regional Development – Bachelor specialization studies in international collaboration. The themes of these international studies are Leadership, Governance, and Sustainable Development of European regions.
More DetailsSustainable Landscape Development
Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences organizes Integrated Environmental Management towards Sustainable Landscape Development – studies in international collaboration. Studies are aimed for 3rd or 4th year B.Sc. students and international exchange students.
More DetailsSociety 5.0 and Digital Transformation
University of Thessaly (UTH) organizes Digital information studies, themes of these international studies are "Digital transformations to enhance sustainability on regional or community level". Studies are aimed at 3rd or 4th-year B.Sc. students and international exchange students.
More DetailsSustainable Communities in Energy Transition
Karelia UAS organizes Sustainable Communities in Energy Transition – studies in international collaboration. The themes of these international studies are Energy Transition and Sustainable Development of Local Communities. Studies are aimed at 3rd or 4th-year B.Sc. students and international exchange students.
More DetailsForestry Adaptation to a Changing Environment
Karelia UAS organises Forestry Adaptation to a Changing Environment – studies in international collaboration. This specialisation provides the knowledge and skills how to cope with the challenges related to forestry in the future. Studies are aimed for 3rd or 4th year B.Sc. students and international exchange students.
More DetailsSustainable Business Development
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA) organizes Sustainable Business Development – Bachelor specialization studies in international collaboration.
More DetailsSustainable Agriculture
The specialization “Sustainable Agriculture” provides students with interdisciplinary knowledge with a scope to understand the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focused on sustainable agri-food systems and how to meet them.
More DetailsAdapting Land and Water Management to Climate Change
Climate change, as used in everyday speech, refers to global warming's effects on the planet's climate system as well as the continuous rise in the average world temperature. Fossil fuel consumption, deforestation, and various industrial and agricultural practices all contribute to the present, rapid rise in average global temperature. This specialization primarily deals with the way how our society can respond to this.
More DetailsRegional Food - System Transitions & Environmental Quality
Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences organizes Integrated Environmental Management towards Sustainable Landscape Development – studies in international collaboration. Studies are aimed at 3rd or 4th-year B.Sc. students and international exchange students.
More DetailsSustainable technologies in medium-size enterprises
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