Some quick answers to your popular questions
The INVEST European University Alliance brings together Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra Slovakia, University of Agribusiness and Rural Development (UARD) in Plovdiv Bulgaria, University of Thessaly (UTH) in Volos Greece, Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Karelia) in Joensuu, Finland and Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences (VHL) in Leeuwarden and Velp Netherlands in a shared extensive experience and a common profile as internationalized institutions for the implementation of European Commission initiative for the formation and evaluation of European Universities.

Common Questions
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The INVEST European University Alliance brings together Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra Slovakia, University of Agribusiness and Rural Development (UARD) in Plovdiv Bulgaria, University of Thessaly (UTH) in Volos Greece, Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Karelia) in Joensuu, Finland and Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences (VHL) ...
Virtual Campus is an inter university digital ecosystem that consists of several modules and offers applications that support the following groups of users:
- Public users / Visitors
- Teachers
- Administrative Staff
- Students
- Prospective Students
It is a secure, scalable and modern application that acts as a central gateway for supporting users from all universities of our alliance. The platform aims at digitalizing the registration and admission procedures that will help and increase student mobilities and minimize administrative efforts for all partner universities in a harmonized way.
Students are an integral part of the project implementation and they are actively involved in the formation of the INVEST university structures. Student representative of each partner in the consortium represents the interests of the respective students' community in the INVEST Academic Board. Besides being involved in the decision-making process, INVEST attracts students through a variety of actions that diversify and enhance the teaching process.
Topical winter and summer schools are the main attraction, providing students with a multi-day, fully covered stay at partner universities with an interesting study and cultural program. Full semester studies are offered through the mobility, either covered by the project funds or through the ‘classical’ Erasmus+ mobility. More information on the winter/summer schools and mobility will be available soon.
Prospective students from the partner Universities can follow this link to start the registration procedure.
Enter your personal information, your univesrity details and your desired study program. Upon completion you will receive an application code and you will get notified during the whole process. You can also contact your university officer for further information regarding the registration procedure to the Invest University.
You can browse our Study Programs section in order to find all information you may need.